Disabled Dog Saves Handicapped Boy

The Story of Owen and Haatchi

This post is for animal lovers who enjoy a sweet story about the human-animal bond, and how Owen Howkins, a handicapped 9 year old boys’ life was turned, around with the help of his disabled, 3-legged canine friend, Haatchi.

Owen was born with  Schwartz-Jampel Syndrom, a rare, painful condition, that causes muscles to permanently contract, resulting in severe muscle stiffness.

Owen y Haatchi 2
Owen and his dog Haatchi

Haatchi, an Anatolian Shepherd was abandoned on railroad tracks, when he was 5 months old.  He was hit by a train, and left to die.

The dog was rescued, brought to a local animal shelter, and then adopted by Owen’s parents.

Owen states “I didn’t really meet many others with disabilities and felt like the odd one out, which made me really sad. But when I saw Haatchi , and saw how strong he was, even though he only had three legs, I became stronger myself. I love him so much.”

I’ve followed this story on You Tube, and decided to post it on my blog.  If you go to You Tube and search for Owen and Haatchi, you’ll find many videos of their continuing story there.

Copyright 2015 Irene Pastore and Tour De Core Personal Training

Favorite Videos: Listen To Your Heart

As an animal-lover, and vegetarian, I am posting this video, Listen To Your Heart, about Emperor Penguins, oil and gas drilling. The filmmakers are  Ruedi & Priska Abbuhl, music by Mike Rowland.  Also visit PlanetSave, and Greenpeace.

This is for all you animal/penguin/music/and general lovers of the earth.

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Copyright 2012 Irene Pastore and Blue Moon Personal Training